Brief: To create something by combining elements of Design and Music.
In an unusual way, this project literally takes elements from Design (Or design school brochures) and combines them to spell out the names of the seven notes in Western Music. It also makes for a fun cover for my typography notebook!
These are all brochures of the different disciplines taught at the School of Art and Design, Middlesex University. No, this isn't any sneaky College advertisement technique, I just happened to get these from a seminar I attended on Art schools, and since Graphic Design was the only one i was interested in, the others were of no real use. (I did end up using a strip from the Graphic Design one too, because I liked it.)

I slightly manipulated the text on the strips, for instance changed the De to Do, and change the order of IM to MI , because i got sick of my brother making fun of how it looked like DeReIMFaSoLaTiDe, and it made no sense whatsoever anyway.